Movies like Enemy Mine to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Science Fiction movie Enemy Mine with Brion James, Dennis Quaid, JR, Louis Gossett & Richard Marcus & created by Wolfgang Petersen?

Movies like Enemy Mine with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Enemy Mine?

A soldier from Earth crashlands on an alien world after sustaining battle damage. Eventually, he encounters another survivor, but from the enemy species he was fighting. They band together ...

TAGLINE: "Enemies because they were taught to be. Survivors because they had to be."

Its release date is Thursday December 12, 1985

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Animal Rights, Complicated Birth, Friendship, Future, Narration, Prejudice, Slavery, Space Battle, Survivor & War
Genre Drama & Science Fiction
Country The United States
Director Wolfgang Petersen
Starring Brion James, Dennis Quaid, JR, Louis Gossett & Richard Marcus
Time 2090s & 21st Century
Location Canary Islands
Written by Barry Longyear (story) & Edward Khmara (screenplay)
Cinematography Tony Imi
Music Maurice Jarre
Runtime 108 min

Other Drama movies by Wolfgang Petersen

In the Line of Fire | Jul 8th, 1993

In the Line of Fire
7.2/10 | By Wolfgang Petersen
The United States | Action, Drama & Thriller
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Outbreak | Mar 10th, 1995

6.6/10 | By Wolfgang Petersen
The United States | Action, Drama & Science Fiction
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Air Force One | Jul 25th, 1997

Air Force One
6.5/10 | By Wolfgang Petersen
Germany & The United States | Action, Drama & Thriller
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