Movies like Entwined to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Fantasy movie Entwined with Anastasia Rafaela Konidi, John De Holland, Kostas Laskos & Prometheus Aleifer & created by Minos Nikolakakis?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Entwined?

City doctor Panos relocates to a remote village in order to offer his services to the community. It's love at first sight when he sets eyes on Danae, who lives in isolation, with a ...

TAGLINE: "She is not what she seems"

Its release date is Friday August 28, 2020

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Genre Drama & Fantasy
Country Greece
Director Minos Nikolakakis
Starring Anastasia Rafaela Konidi, John De Holland, Kostas Laskos & Prometheus Aleifer
Written by John De Holland (Screenplay by), John De Holland (story by), Minos Nikolakakis (based on an idea by) & Minos Nikolakakis (story by)
Runtime 89 min