Movies like Escape to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the movie Escape with Amar Asyraf, Elizabeth Tan, Kamal Adli & Zamarul Hisham?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Escape?

Feeling pressured after he is accused as a terrorist and gets locked up in a mysterious room, Adam has no choice but to give up the location of a weapon chip that he smuggled a few days ago. He later realises he has given the information to a dangerous terrorist group. Now, even though he is suffering from amnesia, he must try and escape the room in order to save the world from the terrorists.
Its release date is Thursday March 26, 2020

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Topic Death Games
Starring Amar Asyraf, Elizabeth Tan, Kamal Adli & Zamarul Hisham
Place Chicago
Location South Africa