Movies like Every Thing Will Be Fine to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie Every Thing Will Be Fine with Charlotte Gainsbourg, James Franco, Marie-Josée Croze & Rachel McAdams & created by Wim Wenders?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Every Thing Will Be Fine?

One day, driving aimlessly around the outskirts of town after a trivial domestic quarrel, a writer named Tomas accidentally hits and kills a child. Will he be able to move on?

TAGLINE: "A moment. A tragic accident. And nothing will ever be the same again."

Its release date is Thursday April 2, 2015

What similar themes are we looking for?

Genre Drama
Country Sweden
Director Wim Wenders
Starring Charlotte Gainsbourg, James Franco, Marie-Josée Croze & Rachel McAdams
Location Montreal
Written by Bjørn Olaf Johannessen
Cinematography Benoît Debie
Music Alexandre Desplat
Runtime 118 min

Other Drama movies by Wim Wenders

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6.5/10 | By Wim Wenders
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6.8/10 | By David S. Goyer, Fernando León de Aranoa, Isabel Coixet, Javier Corcuera, Mariano Barroso & Wim Wenders
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