Movies like Face/Off to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Crime & Science Fiction movie Face/Off with Alessandro Nivola, Joan Allen, John Travolta & Nicolas Cage & created by John Woo?

Movies like Face/Off with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Face/Off?

In order to foil an extortion plot, an FBI agent undergoes a facial transplant surgery and assumes the identity and physical appearance of a terrorist, but the plan turns from bad to worse when the same terrorist impersonates the FBI agent.

TAGLINE: "In order to catch him, he must become him."

Its release date is Friday June 27, 1997

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Biological Weapon, Body Swapping, Face Transplant, Federal Bureau Of Investigation Fiction, Fistfight, Hostility, Mexican Standoff, Rage And Hate, Revenge, Terrorism & Undercover
Genre Action, Crime & Science Fiction
Country The United States
Director John Woo
Starring Alessandro Nivola, Joan Allen, John Travolta & Nicolas Cage
Place California & Los Angeles
Time 1991
Location Los Angeles
Written by Michael Colleary & Mike Werb
Cinematography Oliver Wood (cinematographer)
Music Gavin Greenaway & John Powell
Runtime 138 min

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A Better Tomorrow II
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The Killer | Jul 6th, 1989

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Silent Night | Nov 30th, 2023

Silent Night
N/A/10 | By John Woo
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