Movies like Fantastic Mr. Fox to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Adventure, Animation, Comedy & Live action movie Fantastic Mr. Fox with Bill Murray, George Clooney, Jason Schwartzman & Meryl Streep & created by Wes Anderson?

Movies like Fantastic Mr. Fox with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Fantastic Mr. Fox?

An urbane fox cannot resist returning to his farm raiding ways and then must help his community survive the farmers' retaliation.

TAGLINE: "Dig the life fantastic!"

Its release date is Friday October 23, 2009

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Animals, Animated Foxes, Animated Revenge, Cider, Farm Life, Fox, Peasant, Revenge, Tale, Talking Animal & Tree
Genre Adventure, Animation, Comedy & Live action
Country The United States
Director Wes Anderson
Starring Bill Murray, George Clooney, Jason Schwartzman & Meryl Streep
Time 2006 & 2008
Written by Noah Baumbach (screenplay), Roald Dahl (novel) & Wes Anderson (screenplay)
Cinematography Tristan Oliver
Music Alexandre Desplat
Runtime 87 min

Other Adventure movies by Wes Anderson

Moonrise Kingdom | May 24th, 2012

Moonrise Kingdom
7.8/10 | By Wes Anderson
The United States | Adventure, Comedy, Drama & Romance
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The Grand Budapest Hotel | Feb 26th, 2014

The Grand Budapest Hotel
8.1/10 | By Wes Anderson
The United States & United Kingdom | Adventure, Comedy & Drama
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation