Movies like Fantozzi To The Rescue to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy movie Fantozzi To The Rescue with Gigi Reder, Milena Vukotic, Paolo Villaggio & Plinio Fernando & created by Neri Parenti?

Movies like Fantozzi To The Rescue with the highest similarity score

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Fantozzi è oramai in pensione ma continua ad andare in ufficio dove viene additato come il tipico esempio di impiegato destinato a non fare carriera. Cerca il coraggio da uno psicanalista ...
Its release date is Monday January 15, 1990

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Atomic Bombings Of Hiroshima Nagasaki & Reincarnation
Genre Comedy
Country Italy
Director Neri Parenti
Starring Gigi Reder, Milena Vukotic, Paolo Villaggio & Plinio Fernando
Written by Alessandro Bencivenni, Domenico Saverni, Leonardo Benvenuti, Neri Parenti, Paolo Villaggio & Piero De Bernardi
Cinematography Sandro D'Eva
Music Bruno Zambrini & Fred Bongusto
Runtime 105 min

Other Comedy movies by Neri Parenti

Fantozzi Retires | Dec 22nd, 1988

Fantozzi Retires
6.1/10 | By Neri Parenti
No streaming sources available just yet

The Comics 2 | Oct 19th, 1991

The Comics 2
5.4/10 | By Neri Parenti
Italy | Comedy
No streaming sources available just yet

Paparazzi | Dec 18th, 1998

5.4/10 | By Alain Berbérian & Neri Parenti
Italy | Comedy
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Other Comedy movies written by Alessandro Bencivenni

Ciao, Professore! | Oct 1st, 1992

Ciao, Professore!
6.8/10 | By Lina Wertmüller
Italy | Comedy
No streaming sources available just yet

Fantozzi in Heaven | Jan 1st, 1993

Fantozzi in Heaven
5.4/10 | By Neri Parenti
No streaming sources available just yet

Natale col boss | Dec 16th, 2015

Natale col boss
5.0/10 | By Volfango De Biasi
Italy | Comedy
No streaming sources available just yet