Movies like Fathers are People to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Animation movie Fathers are People with Bobby Driscoll & Pinto Colvig & created by Jack Kinney?

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New father George (a Goofy lookalike) helps with the chores, and they are endless. As the boy gets older, he causes new kinds of trouble, and Father still can't get any rest.
Its release date is Sunday October 21, 1951

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Fatherhood, Goofy & Short
Genre Animation
Country The United States
Director Jack Kinney
Starring Bobby Driscoll & Pinto Colvig
Written by Dick Kinney (story) & Milt Schaffer (story)
Runtime 7 min

Other Animation movies by Jack Kinney

How to Play Football | Sep 15th, 1944

How to Play Football
7.3/10 | By Jack Kinney
The United States | Animation
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Tiger Trouble | Jan 6th, 1945

Tiger Trouble
7.2/10 | By Jack Kinney
The United States | Animation & Comedy
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Father’s Day Off | Mar 28th, 1953

Father’s Day Off
7.3/10 | By Jack Kinney
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Other Animation movies written by Dick Kinney (story)

For Whom the Bulls Toil | May 9th, 1953

For Whom the Bulls Toil
7.0/10 | By Jack Kinney
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Tennis Racquet | Aug 26th, 1949

Tennis Racquet
6.8/10 | By Jack Kinney
The United States | Animation
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Cold War | Apr 27th, 1951

Cold War
6.8/10 | By Jack Kinney
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