Movies like Father’s Day Off to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Animation movie Father’s Day Off with Pinto Colvig & created by Jack Kinney?
Movies like Father’s Day Off with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Father’s Day Off?
George's wife is off for the day and he's doing the housework. Of course, everything goes wrong at once.
Its release date is Saturday March 28, 1953
Its release date is Saturday March 28, 1953
What similar themes are we looking for?
Genre | Animation |
Director | Jack Kinney |
Starring | Pinto Colvig |
Place | Ancient Rome |
Time | 1st Century BC |
Written by | Brice Mack (story) & Dick Kinney (story) |
Cinematography | Joseph Ruttenberg |
Music | Miklós Rózsa |
Runtime | 7 min |
Other Animation movies by Jack Kinney
Tennis Racquet | Aug 26th, 1949
6.8/10 | By Jack Kinney
The United States | Animation
No streaming sources available just yet
For Whom the Bulls Toil | May 9th, 1953
7.0/10 | By Jack Kinney
No streaming sources available just yet
Tomorrow We Diet | Jun 29th, 1951
6.9/10 | By Jack Kinney
The United States | Animation
No streaming sources available just yet
Other Animation movies written by Brice Mack (story)
For Whom the Bulls Toil | May 9th, 1953
7.0/10 | By Jack Kinney
No streaming sources available just yet