Movies like Fatima to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie Fatima with Chawki Amari, Kenza Noah Aïche, Soria Zeroual & Zita Hanrot & created by Philippe Faucon?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Fatima?
Fatima lives on her own with two daughters to support: 15-year old Souad, a teenager in revolt, and 18-year old Nesrine, who is starting medical school. Fatima speaks French poorly and is ...
Its release date is Wednesday October 7, 2015
Its release date is Wednesday October 7, 2015
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Arabic, Medical School & Teenager |
Genre | Drama |
Country | France |
Director | Philippe Faucon |
Starring | Chawki Amari, Kenza Noah Aïche, Soria Zeroual & Zita Hanrot |
Written by | Aziza Boudjellal (scenario consultant), Fatima Elayoubi (books), Mustapha Kharmoudi (scenario consultant), Philippe Faucon (scenario) & Yasmina Nini-Faucon (scenario consultant) |
Cinematography | Laurent Fenart |
Music | Robert Marcel Lepage |
Runtime | 79 min |