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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Finding Fortune?

Helen Fortuno (Ilaria D'Elia) an Italian living in London, has not heard from her brother Frank for two years. She receives a cryptic postcard from him with enough information for her to track him down to a Buddhist retreat in Scotland. Along for the ride is London girl Sylvia, who is using Helen's search for her bother as her chance to leave her psycho husband Gordon. Arriving at the monastery, they are told that Frank, failing to fit in, has moved on with tantric student Fiona. At Fiona's cottage they find Fiona has been abandoned by Frank and has a baby daughter by him. Frank has gone to live on the coast but when Helen confronts Frank's ex-beach buddy Joe, she realises that Frank doesn't want to be found. Meanwhile Sylvia takes a fancy to kilted barman Davie (Jason Harvey) and invites him along. Helen is angered by this as she feels Davie is slowing them down.
Its release date is Thursday June 12, 2003

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Topic Child Labour & Lizards
Time 1890s, 1900s & 1990s
Location California & Los Angeles