Movies like Fireworks Wednesday to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie Fireworks Wednesday with Hamid Farokhnezhad, Hediyeh Tehrani, Pantea Bahram & Taraneh Alidoosti & created by Asghar Farhadi?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Fireworks Wednesday?
On the last Wednesday before the spring solstice ushers in the Persian New Year, people set off fireworks following an ancient Zoroastrian tradition. Rouhi, spending her first day at a new job, finds herself in the midst of a different kind of fireworks -- a domestic dispute between her new boss and his wife.
Its release date is Wednesday February 8, 2006
Its release date is Wednesday February 8, 2006
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Cheating Husband & Iran |
Genre | Drama |
Country | Iran |
Director | Asghar Farhadi |
Starring | Hamid Farokhnezhad, Hediyeh Tehrani, Pantea Bahram & Taraneh Alidoosti |
Written by | Asghar Farhadi & Mani Haghighi |
Cinematography | Hossein Jafarian |
Music | Payman Yazdanian |
Runtime | 102 min |