Movies like Fist of Legend to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action movie Fist of Legend with Chin Siu Ho, Jet Li, Paul Chun Pui & Shinobu Nakayama & created by Gordon Chan?

Movies like Fist of Legend with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Fist of Legend?

In 1937, a Chinese martial artist returns to Shanghai to find his teacher dead and his school harassed by the Japanese.

TAGLINE: "To avenge his masters death, He'll fight like never before!"

Its release date is Thursday December 22, 1994

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Martial arts & Race Ethnicity
Genre Action
Country Hong Kong
Director Gordon Chan
Starring Chin Siu Ho, Jet Li, Paul Chun Pui & Shinobu Nakayama
Place Japan & Shanghai
Written by Gordon Chan (screenplay) & Kwong Kim Yip (screenplay)
Cinematography Derek Wan
Music Stephen Edwards
Runtime 103 min

Other Action movies by Gordon Chan

The Medallion | Aug 15th, 2003

The Medallion
5.2/10 | By Gordon Chan
Hong Kong & The United States | Action, Fantasy & Thriller
Amazon Video HBO GO Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation Starz

The King of Fighters | Nov 4th, 2009

The King of Fighters
3.0/10 | By Gordon Chan
Canada | Action, Science Fiction & Thriller
No streaming sources available just yet

King of Beggars | Dec 17th, 1992

King of Beggars
6.9/10 | By Gordon Chan
Hong Kong | Action, Comedy & Drama

Other Action movies written by Gordon Chan (screenplay)

King of Beggars | Dec 17th, 1992

King of Beggars
6.9/10 | By Gordon Chan
Hong Kong | Action, Comedy & Drama