Movies like Flickering Lights to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Comedy & Crime movie Flickering Lights with Mads Mikkelsen, Nikolaj Lie Kaas, Søren Pilmark & Ulrich Thomsen & created by Anders Thomas Jensen?
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Four small-time gangsters from Copenhagen trick a gangster boss: they take over 4,000,000 kroner which they were supposed to bring him. Trying to escape to Barcelona they are forced to stop...
Its release date is Friday November 3, 2000
Its release date is Friday November 3, 2000
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Barcelona Spain, Childhood Friends, Childhood Memory, Childhood Trauma, Denmark, Friendship Bracelet, Gangster & Male Friendship |
Genre | Action, Comedy & Crime |
Country | Denmark |
Director | Anders Thomas Jensen |
Starring | Mads Mikkelsen, Nikolaj Lie Kaas, Søren Pilmark & Ulrich Thomsen |
Place | Denmark |
Written by | Anders Thomas Jensen (screenplay) |
Cinematography | Eric Kress |
Music | Jeppe Kaas |
Runtime | 109 min |