Movies like Flights in Dreams and in Reality to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie Flights in Dreams and in Reality with Lyudmila Gurchenko, Oleg Menshikov, Oleg Tabakov & Oleg Yankovskiy & created by Roman Balayan?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Flights in Dreams and in Reality?

On the eve of his fortieth birthday, a man realizes nothing he has achieved in his life has amounted to very much.
Its release date is Friday January 1, 1982

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Genre Drama
Country Ukraine
Director Roman Balayan
Starring Lyudmila Gurchenko, Oleg Menshikov, Oleg Tabakov & Oleg Yankovskiy
Written by Viktor Merezhko
Cinematography Vilen Kalyuta
Music Vadim Khrapachov
Runtime 92 min