Movies like Fools Gold to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Adventure, Comedy & Romance movie Fools Gold with Donald Sutherland, Ewen Bremner, Kate Hudson & Matthew McConaughey & created by Andy Tennant?

Movies like Fools Gold with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Fools Gold?

A new clue to the whereabouts of a lost treasure rekindles a married couple's sense of adventure -- and their estranged romance.

TAGLINE: "This February True Love Takes a Dive."

Its release date is Thursday February 7, 2008

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Boat, Cave, Cemetery, Gangster, Helicopter, Lost treasure, Marriage, Mexican Standoff, Shipwreck & Sword
Genre Action, Adventure, Comedy & Romance
Country The United States
Director Andy Tennant
Starring Donald Sutherland, Ewen Bremner, Kate Hudson & Matthew McConaughey
Location Brisbane
Written by Andy Tennant (screenplay), Daniel Zelman (screenplay), Daniel Zelman (story), John Claflin (screenplay) & John Claflin (story)
Cinematography Don Burgess
Music George Fenton
Runtime 112 min

Other Action movies by Andy Tennant

The Hitcher | Jan 19th, 2007

The Hitcher
5.6/10 | By Andy Tennant & Dave Meyers
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The Bounty Hunter | Mar 16th, 2010

The Bounty Hunter
5.5/10 | By Andy Tennant
The United States | Action, Comedy & Romance
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