Movies like Freight to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Crime & Drama movie Freight with Billy Murray, Craig Fairbrass, Daniel Midwinter & Laura Aikman & created by Stuart St. Paul?
Movies like Freight with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Freight?
A Russian gang in the UK traffic Eastern Europeans then enslave them, the women to sex, the men to illegal fights. They cross a local businessman and a war escalates.
Its release date is Friday October 8, 2010
A Russian gang in the UK traffic Eastern Europeans then enslave them, the women to sex, the men to illegal fights. They cross a local businessman and a war escalates.
TAGLINE: "One country. Two worlds....about to collide."
Its release date is Friday October 8, 2010
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Railway Accidents Incidents & United States Marine Corps |
Genre | Action, Crime & Drama |
Country | United Kingdom |
Director | Stuart St. Paul |
Starring | Billy Murray, Craig Fairbrass, Daniel Midwinter & Laura Aikman |
Place | Ohio & Pennsylvania |
Time | 2010 |
Location | New York (state) & Ohio |
Written by | Stuart St. Paul |
Runtime | 92 min |