Movies like French Twist to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Romance movie French Twist with Alain Chabat, Josiane Balasko, Ticky Holgado & Victoria Abril & created by Josiane Balasko?

Movies like French Twist with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of French Twist?

After learning of her husband's infidelities, a housewife invites an itinerant lesbian to move in with them. None of their lives will ever be the same again.

TAGLINE: "A scorned wife. An outrageous affair. The perfect revenge."

Its release date is Wednesday February 8, 1995

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Topic Estate Agent, Love Triangle, Menage A Trois, Polyamory, Southern France, Van & Woman Director
Genre Comedy & Romance
Country France
Director Josiane Balasko
Starring Alain Chabat, Josiane Balasko, Ticky Holgado & Victoria Abril
Place France
Written by Josiane Balasko, Patrick Aubrée & Telsche Boorman (story)
Runtime 104 min

Other Comedy movies written by Josiane Balasko

French Fried Vacation | Nov 1st, 1978

French Fried Vacation
6.9/10 | By Patrice Leconte
France | Comedy
No streaming sources available just yet

Men Prefer Fat Girls | Aug 19th, 1981

Men Prefer Fat Girls
4.8/10 | By Jean-Marie Poiré
France | Comedy
No streaming sources available just yet

French Fried Vacation 2 | Nov 22nd, 1979

French Fried Vacation 2
7.5/10 | By Patrice Leconte
France | Comedy
No streaming sources available just yet