Movies like Frosty the Snowman to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Animation, Family & TV Movie movie Frosty the Snowman with Billy De Wolfe, Jackie Vernon, Jimmy Durante & Paul Frees & created by Arthur Rankin Jr. & Jules Bass?

Movies like Frosty the Snowman with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Frosty the Snowman?

A living snowman and a little girl struggle to elude a greedy magician who is after the snowman's magic hat.
Its release date is Sunday December 7, 1969

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Christmas, Holiday, Magic Magicians & Santa Claus
Genre Animation, Family & TV Movie
Country Japan & The United States
Director Arthur Rankin Jr. & Jules Bass
Starring Billy De Wolfe, Jackie Vernon, Jimmy Durante & Paul Frees
Written by Romeo Muller
Runtime 25 min

Other Animation movies by Arthur Rankin Jr.

Jack Frost | Dec 13th, 1979

Jack Frost
7.2/10 | By Arthur Rankin Jr. & Jules Bass
Animation, Family & Fantasy
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Other Animation movies written by Romeo Muller