Movies like Gainsbourg: A Heroic Life to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie Gainsbourg: A Heroic Life with Doug Jones, Eric Elmosnino, Laetitia Casta & Lucy Gordon & created by Joann Sfar?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Gainsbourg: A Heroic Life?
A glimpse at the life of French singer Serge Gainsbourg, from growing up in 1940s Nazi-occupied Paris through his successful song-writing years in the 1960s to his death in 1991 at the age of 62.
Its release date is Wednesday January 20, 2010
Its release date is Wednesday January 20, 2010
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Topic | Beach, Biographical Musicians, Biographical Singers, Composer, Jazz, Jews Judaism, Musical, parent child relationship, Pop Star, Seduction & Song |
Genre | Drama |
Country | France |
Director | Joann Sfar |
Starring | Doug Jones, Eric Elmosnino, Laetitia Casta & Lucy Gordon |
Time | 1950s, 1960s, 1970s & 1990s |
Written by | Declan May (dialogue), Joann Sfar (graphic novel) & Joann Sfar (screenplay) |
Cinematography | Guillaume Schiffman |
Music | Olivier Daviaud |
Runtime | 135 min |