Movies like Gertrud to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Romance movie Gertrud with Axel Strøbye, Bendt Rothe, Ebbe Rode & Nina Pens Rode & created by Carl Theodor Dreyer?

Movies like Gertrud with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Gertrud?

In the elegant world of artists and musicians, Gertrud ends her marriage to Gustav and takes a lover, the composer Erland Jansson.
Its release date is Saturday December 19, 1964

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Adultery, Flashback Sequence, Love, Lover & Psychiatry
Genre Drama & Romance
Country Denmark
Director Carl Theodor Dreyer
Starring Axel Strøbye, Bendt Rothe, Ebbe Rode & Nina Pens Rode
Place Sweden
Location Denmark
Written by Carl Theodor Dreyer & Hjalmar Söderberg (play)
Cinematography Henning Bendtsen
Music Jørgen Jersild
Runtime 116 min

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Day of Wrath
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Ordet | Jan 9th, 1955

8.2/10 | By Carl Theodor Dreyer
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Leaves from Satan’s Book
6.8/10 | By Carl Theodor Dreyer & Ulrich Seidl
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