Movies like Getting Any? to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy movie Getting Any? with Dankan, Hakuryu, Hideo Higashikokubaru & Moeko Ezawa & created by Takeshi Kitano?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Getting Any??
Obsessed with the idea of owning his first car so he can have sex in it, a young man takes any job he can find and ends up in an escalating series of crazy situations.
Its release date is Saturday January 1, 1994
Its release date is Saturday January 1, 1994
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Revenge & Women India |
Genre | Comedy |
Country | Japan |
Director | Takeshi Kitano |
Starring | Dankan, Hakuryu, Hideo Higashikokubaru & Moeko Ezawa |
Written by | Takeshi Kitano |
Cinematography | Damodar Naidu & Sameer Arya |
Music | Anand Milind & Nadeem Shravan |
Runtime | 108 min |