Movies like Ghost in the Shell 2.0 to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Animation & Science Fiction movie Ghost in the Shell 2.0 with Akio Ohtsuka, Atsuko Tanaka, Kouichi Yamadera & Tamio Ohki & created by Mamoru Oshii?

Movies like Ghost in the Shell 2.0 with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Ghost in the Shell 2.0?

A hacker known as the Puppet Master is hunted by a female cyborg cop and her partner. This film is a revised version of Ghost in the Shell (1995).

TAGLINE: "It Found A Voice... Now It Needs A Body"

Its release date is Saturday July 12, 2008

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Altered Memories, Android, Cybernetted Society Fiction, Cyberpunk, Cyborg, Dystopia, Future & Telepresence
Genre Action, Animation & Science Fiction
Country Japan & The United States
Director Mamoru Oshii
Starring Akio Ohtsuka, Atsuko Tanaka, Kouichi Yamadera & Tamio Ohki
Time 2029
Written by Kazunori Itô (screenplay) & Shirow Masamune (manga)
Cinematography Hisao Shirai
Music Kenji Kawai
Runtime 83 min

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Patlabor: The Movie | Jan 1st, 1989

Patlabor: The Movie
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Avalon | Jan 20th, 2001

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Other Action movies written by Kazunori Itô (screenplay)

Avalon | Jan 20th, 2001

6.5/10 | By Mamoru Oshii
Japan & Poland | Action & Science Fiction
Google Play YouTube

Ghost in the Shell | Nov 18th, 1995

Ghost in the Shell
8.0/10 | By Mamoru Oshii & Rupert Sanders
Japan | Action, Animation & Science Fiction
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