Movies like Half Brothers to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Drama movie Half Brothers with Connor Del Rio, Hayes Hargrove, José Zúñiga & Luis Gerardo Méndez & created by Luke Greenfield?

Movies like Half Brothers with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Half Brothers?

Renato, a Mexican aviation exec, is shocked to learn he has an American half-brother he never knew about, the free-spirited Asher. They are forced on a road trip together, tracing the path their father took from Mexico to the US.

TAGLINE: "There's no running from family."

Its release date is Friday December 4, 2020

What similar themes are we looking for?

Genre Comedy & Drama
Director Luke Greenfield
Starring Connor Del Rio, Hayes Hargrove, José Zúñiga & Luis Gerardo Méndez
Location New Mexico
Written by Ali LeRoi (story by), Eduardo Cisneros (screenplay), Eduardo Cisneros (story by) & Jason Shuman (screenplay)
Runtime 96 min

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