Movies like Hannah Takes the Stairs to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Romance movie Hannah Takes the Stairs with Andrew Bujalski, Greta Gerwig, Kent Osborne & Ry Russo-Young & created by Joe Swanberg?

Movies like Hannah Takes the Stairs with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Hannah Takes the Stairs?

Hannah is a recent college graduate interning at a Chicago production company. She is crushing on two writers at work, Matt and Paul, who share an office and keep her entertained. Will a ...

TAGLINE: "When you don't know what you want, how can you know who you want?"

Its release date is Sunday March 11, 2007

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Independent Film & Intern
Genre Drama & Romance
Country The United States
Director Joe Swanberg
Starring Andrew Bujalski, Greta Gerwig, Kent Osborne & Ry Russo-Young
Written by Andrew Bujalski (additional material), Greta Gerwig, Joe Swanberg, Kent Osborne, Kevin Bewersdorf (additional material), Kris Swanberg (additional material), Mark Duplass (additional material), Ry Russo-Young (additional material), Tipper Newton (additional material) & Todd Rohal (additional material)
Cinematography Joe Swanberg
Music Kevin Bewersdorf
Runtime 83 min

Other Drama movies by Joe Swanberg

Uncle Kent | Jan 17th, 2011

Uncle Kent
5.1/10 | By Joe Swanberg
Comedy, Drama & Romance
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Microsoft YouTube iTunes Playstation

Nights and Weekends | Jan 1st, 2008

Nights and Weekends
6.2/10 | By Greta Gerwig, Greta Gerwig, Joe Swanberg & Joe Swanberg
The United States | Drama, Indie & Romance
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