Movies like Happy Accidents to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Romance & Science Fiction movie Happy Accidents with Holland Taylor, Marisa Tomei, Nadia Dajani & Vincent D'Onofrio & created by Brad Anderson?

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Ruby Weaver, a woman from New York, believes she has found the man of her dreams. And Sam Deed is really such, except for he assures that he came from the future.

TAGLINE: "Sometimes the future is better than it used to be."

Its release date is Tuesday January 25, 2000

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Topic Independent Film & Time Travel
Genre Comedy, Romance & Science Fiction
Country United States of America
Director Brad Anderson
Starring Holland Taylor, Marisa Tomei, Nadia Dajani & Vincent D'Onofrio
Location New York City
Written by Brad Anderson
Runtime 110 min