Movies like Hardwired to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Adventure & Science Fiction movie Hardwired with Alastair Gamble, Cuba Gooding Jr., Juan Riedinger & Val Kilmer & created by Ernie Barbarash?

Movies like Hardwired with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Hardwired?

After a tragic accident nearly claims the life Luke Gibson (Gooding Jr.) the Hexx Corporation hardwire an implant into Luke's brain, it saves his life, but Luke soon finds out that this new technology comes at price, advertising.

TAGLINE: "They stole his past, now he's taking back his future."

Its release date is Tuesday November 3, 2009

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Advertising, American Revenge, Amnesia, Computing, Conspiracy, Corporate Conglomeration, Corporate World, Holography, Mind Control, On the run, Sabotage & Special Forces
Genre Action, Adventure & Science Fiction
Country Canada
Director Ernie Barbarash
Starring Alastair Gamble, Cuba Gooding Jr., Juan Riedinger & Val Kilmer
Place British Columbia & Future
Location Vancouver
Written by Michael Hurst
Runtime 94 min

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Pound of Flesh | May 7th, 2015

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6.4/10 | By Isaac Florentine & James McTeigue
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Paradox | Apr 22nd, 2016

4.6/10 | By Michael Hurst
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