Movies like Heaven Can Wait to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Fantasy movie Heaven Can Wait with Jack Warden, James Mason, Julie Christie & Warren Beatty & created by Buck Henry & Warren Beatty?

Movies like Heaven Can Wait with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Heaven Can Wait?

A Los Angeles Rams quarterback, accidentally taken away from his body by an overanxious angel before he was meant to die, returns to life in the body of a recently murdered millionaire.
Its release date is Wednesday June 28, 1978

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Afterlife, American Football, Angels, Based On Play Or Musical, Body Swapping, Cheating Wife, Death & Grieving, Quarterback, Reincarnation, Remake, Sports & Superbowl
Genre Comedy & Fantasy
Country United States of America
Director Buck Henry & Warren Beatty
Starring Jack Warden, James Mason, Julie Christie & Warren Beatty
Place Country Houses
Written by Elaine May (screenplay), Harry Segall (based upon a play by) & Warren Beatty (screenplay)
Runtime 101 min

Other Comedy movies written by Elaine May (screenplay)

Primary Colors | Mar 20th, 1998

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6.7/10 | By Mike Nichols
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Such Good Friends | Dec 16th, 1971

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6.2/10 | By Otto Preminger
The United States | Comedy & Drama
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The Birdcage | Mar 8th, 1996

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7.0/10 | By Mike Nichols
The United States | Comedy
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