Movies like Hercules to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Adventure, Fantasy & Sci-fi movie Hercules with Bobby Rhodes, Brad Harris, Lou Ferrigno & Sybil Danning & created by Brett Ratner & Luigi Cozzi?

Movies like Hercules with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Hercules?

The story of the Greek mythological figure, updated in this 80's version.

TAGLINE: "The Legend Lives!"

Its release date is Friday August 12, 1983

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Aliens, Artificial Intelligence & Robots, Greek Gods, Greek Mythology, Heracles, Hercules, Magic Powers & Super Powers, Mythology & Ancient Times in Egypt & Greece, Roman Mythology & Sword Fight
Genre Action, Adventure, Fantasy & Sci-fi
Country Italy & The United States
Director Brett Ratner & Luigi Cozzi
Starring Bobby Rhodes, Brad Harris, Lou Ferrigno & Sybil Danning
Place Ancient Greece
Location Rome
Written by Luigi Cozzi
Cinematography Alberto Spagnoli & Dante Spinotti
Music Fernando Velázquez (composer) & Pino Donaggio
Runtime 98 min

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