Movies like High Fidelity to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Drama & Romance movie High Fidelity with Iben Hjejle, Jack Black, John Cusack & Todd Louiso & created by Stephen Frears?

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Rob, a record store owner and compulsive list maker, recounts his top five breakups, including the one in progress.

TAGLINE: "A comedy about fear of commitment, hating your job, falling in love and other pop favorites."

Its release date is Friday March 17, 2000

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Topic Bruce Frederick Joseph Springsteen, Bruce Springsteen, Chicago, Disc Jockey, Music, music musicians, Music Record, Pop, Record Store, Rock and Roll & Soul
Genre Comedy, Drama & Romance
Country The United States & United Kingdom
Director Stephen Frears
Starring Iben Hjejle, Jack Black, John Cusack & Todd Louiso
Place Chicago
Time 1980s & 1990s
Location Chicago
Written by D.V. DeVincentis (screenplay), John Cusack (screenplay), Nick Hornby (book), Scott Rosenberg (screenplay) & Steve Pink (screenplay)
Cinematography Seamus McGarvey
Music Howard Shore
Runtime 113 min

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Tamara Drewe
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Florence Foster Jenkins
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Grosse Pointe Blank | Apr 11th, 1997

Grosse Pointe Blank
7.4/10 | By George Armitage
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