Movies like Highlander to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Adventure & Fantasy movie Highlander with Christopher Lambert, Clancy Brown, Roxanne Hart & Sean Connery & created by Russell Mulcahy?

Movies like Highlander with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Highlander?

An immortal Scottish swordsman must confront the last of his immortal opponent, a murderously brutal barbarian who lusts for the fabled "Prize".

TAGLINE: "There can be only one."

Its release date is Thursday March 6, 1986

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Cult Film, Cut-off Head, Immortality, New York, Scotland, Sword & Swordplay
Genre Action, Adventure & Fantasy
Country The United States & United Kingdom
Director Russell Mulcahy
Starring Christopher Lambert, Clancy Brown, Roxanne Hart & Sean Connery
Place Spain
Time 1780s, 1940s & 1985
Location British Columbia, London & Spain
Written by Gregory Widen (screenplay), Gregory Widen (story), Larry Ferguson (screenplay) & Peter Bellwood (screenplay)
Cinematography Gerry Fisher
Music James Horner & Michael Kamen
Runtime 116 min

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The Real McCoy | Sep 10th, 1993

The Real McCoy
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Ricochet | Oct 4th, 1991

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