Movies like Horton Hears a Who! to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Animation, Comedy & Family movie Horton Hears a Who! with Carol Burnett, Jim Carrey, Steve Carell & Will Arnett & created by Jimmy Hayward & Steve Martino?

Movies like Horton Hears a Who! with the highest similarity score

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Horton the Elephant struggles to protect a microscopic community from his neighbors who refuse to believe it exists.

TAGLINE: "A persons a person no matter how small!"

Its release date is Monday March 3, 2008

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Animals, Elephant, Elephants, Jungle & Rescue
Genre Animation, Comedy & Family
Country The United States
Director Jimmy Hayward & Steve Martino
Starring Carol Burnett, Jim Carrey, Steve Carell & Will Arnett
Written by Cinco Paul (screenplay), Dr. Seuss (based upon the book by), Dr. Seuss (story), Jeff Siergey (additional story) & Ken Daurio (screenplay)
Music John Powell (film composer)
Runtime 86 min

Other Animation movies by Jimmy Hayward

Horton Hears a Who | Mar 19th, 1970

Horton Hears a Who
7.5/10 | By Ben Washam(co-director), Chuck Jones, Jimmy Hayward, Jimmy Hayward, Steve Martino & Steve Martino
The United States | Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family & TV Movie
iTunes Starz

Free Birds | Oct 30th, 2013

Free Birds
5.9/10 | By Jimmy Hayward
The United States | Animation, Comedy & Family
Netflix Amazon Video Hulu Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation Starz

Other Animation movies written by Cinco Paul (screenplay)

Despicable Me | Jul 8th, 2010

Despicable Me
7.7/10 | By Chris Renaud, Pierre Coffin & Pierre Coffin, Chris Renaud
The United States | Adventure, Animation, Comedy & Family
Netflix Amazon Video HBO GO Hulu Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation Starz

Hop | Mar 30th, 2011

5.5/10 | By Tim Hill
United Kingdom | Animation, Comedy & Family
Netflix Amazon Video HBO GO Google Play Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation

Horton Hears a Who | Mar 19th, 1970

Horton Hears a Who
7.5/10 | By Ben Washam(co-director), Chuck Jones, Jimmy Hayward, Jimmy Hayward, Steve Martino & Steve Martino
The United States | Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family & TV Movie
iTunes Starz