Movies like House of Angels: The Second Summer to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Drama movie House of Angels: The Second Summer with Ernst Günther, Helena Bergström, Rikard Wolff & Tord Peterson & created by Colin Nutley?
Movies like House of Angels: The Second Summer with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of House of Angels: The Second Summer?
Fanny and Zack is back, after she inherited Änglagård last year. Everytone looks forward to their new stay. Axel has told Fanny he is her father, but who else? Ivar also thinks he is her father. Be ready for expectations and confusions.
Its release date is Sunday December 25, 1994
Its release date is Sunday December 25, 1994
What similar themes are we looking for?
Genre | Comedy & Drama |
Director | Colin Nutley |
Starring | Ernst Günther, Helena Bergström, Rikard Wolff & Tord Peterson |
Place | Västergötland |
Written by | Colin Nutley |
Runtime | 137 min |
Other Comedy movies by Colin Nutley
House of Angels | Feb 21st, 1992
6.4/10 | By Colin Nutley
Norway & Sweden | Comedy
No streaming sources available just yet
Other Comedy movies written by Colin Nutley
House of Angels | Feb 21st, 1992
6.4/10 | By Colin Nutley
Norway & Sweden | Comedy
No streaming sources available just yet