Movies like How It Feels to Be Run Over to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror movie How It Feels to Be Run Over with Cecil M. Hepworth & May Clark & created by Cecil M. Hepworth?
Movies like How It Feels to Be Run Over with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of How It Feels to Be Run Over?
As the camera looks down an open road, a horse and carriage approaches, and passes by to one side of the field of view. Soon afterwards, an automobile comes up the road, straight towards ...
Its release date is Saturday June 30, 1900
Its release date is Saturday June 30, 1900
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Intertitle & Silent Film |
Genre | Horror |
Country | United Kingdom |
Director | Cecil M. Hepworth |
Starring | Cecil M. Hepworth & May Clark |
Written by | N/A |
Cinematography | Cecil M. Hepworth |
Runtime | 1 min |
Other Horror movies by Cecil M. Hepworth
Explosion of an Automobile | Jul 1st, 1900
6.5/10 | By Cecil M. Hepworth
United Kingdom | Comedy & Horror
Other Horror movies written by N/A
Moby Dick | Jun 9th, 2011
6.5/10 | By In-je Park
South Korea | Action, Horror & Thriller
No streaming sources available just yet
Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde | Mar 13th, 1981
6.0/10 | By Raj Tilak
India | Drama, Horror & Science Fiction