Movies like Howling IV: The Original Nightmare to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror movie Howling IV: The Original Nightmare with Antony Hamilton, Michael T. Weiss, Romy Windsor & Susanne Severeid & created by Clive Turner, John Hough & John Hough (director)?
Movies like Howling IV: The Original Nightmare with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Howling IV: The Original Nightmare?
A successful author moves to a new town after suffering a mental breakdown and is tormented by demons and werewolves.
Its release date is Tuesday November 1, 1988
Its release date is Tuesday November 1, 1988
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Blood, Howling, Priest, Sequel, Werewolf & Werewolves |
Genre | Horror |
Country | United Kingdom |
Director | Clive Turner, John Hough & John Hough (director) |
Starring | Antony Hamilton, Michael T. Weiss, Romy Windsor & Susanne Severeid |
Written by | Clive Turner (screenplay), Clive Turner (story), Freddie Rowe (screenplay) & Gary Brandner (novels) |
Cinematography | Godfrey A. Godar |
Music | Barrie Guard, |
Runtime | 94 min |