Movies like I Am Dina to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie I Am Dina with Bjørn Floberg, Christopher Eccleston, Gérard Depardieu & Maria Bonnevie & created by Ole Bornedal?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of I Am Dina?

In Northern Norway during the 1860s, a little girl named Dina accidentally causes her mother's death. Overcome with grief, her father refuses to raise her, leaving her in the care of the ...

TAGLINE: "This is my Story"

Its release date is Friday March 8, 2002

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Topic 19th Century & Independent Film
Genre Drama
Country Denmark
Director Ole Bornedal
Starring Bjørn Floberg, Christopher Eccleston, Gérard Depardieu & Maria Bonnevie
Place Norway
Written by Herbjørg Wassmo (novel), Jonas Cornell & Ole Bornedal
Runtime 125 min

Other Drama movies by Ole Bornedal

Nightwatch | Jan 31st, 1997

6.2/10 | By Ole Bornedal
The United States | Action, Drama & Horror
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