Movies like I babysitter to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the movie I babysitter with Antonio Catania, Diego Abatantuono, Francesco Mandelli & Paolo Ruffini & created by Giovanni Bognetti & Rob Zombie?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of I babysitter?

When asked by his boss' wife to take care of her son, Andrea takes the chance to curry favor with the boss although it's his birthday, but his friends will put on a wild party for him which will devastate the rich woman's house.
Its release date is Wednesday October 19, 2016

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Cannibalism Fiction & Thanksgiving
Director Giovanni Bognetti & Rob Zombie
Starring Antonio Catania, Diego Abatantuono, Francesco Mandelli & Paolo Ruffini
Place Massachusetts, Rome & Texas
Location Multiple Formats
Written by Giovanni Bognetti
Cinematography Alberto Spagnoli & Robert Rodriguez
Music *Robert Rodriguez *Graeme Revell *Carl Thiel *David Arnold *Nathan Barr *Tyler Bates & Francis Lai
Runtime 81 min