Movies like Immortal Hero to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie Immortal Hero with Hisaaki Takeuchi, Kei Kinoshita, Sengen Yoshiko & Tamao Satô & created by Hiroshi Akabane?

Movies like Immortal Hero with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Immortal Hero?

A man's near death experience inspires him to choose life - and change the lives of millions.
Its release date is Friday October 18, 2019

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Animated Friendship, Brothers, Populated Places, Technology, Teleportation & Wormholes Fiction
Genre Drama
Country Japan
Director Hiroshi Akabane
Starring Hisaaki Takeuchi, Kei Kinoshita, Sengen Yoshiko & Tamao Satô
Written by Ryuho Okawa (original story by) & Sayaka Okawa
Runtime 118 min