Movies like In the Heart of the World to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie In the Heart of the World with Bárbara Colen, Kelly Crifer, Renato Novaes & Rute Jeremias?

Movies like In the Heart of the World with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of In the Heart of the World?

Dona Sônia borrowed a gun from her neighbor Alcides, to avenge her son, Joca, who was killed by Beto, who is Miro’s brother, who is Rose’s lover, who is Selma’s friend, who works with Marcos, who is Ana’s boyfriend, who wants to leave Contagem and have a better life in the heart of the world.
Its release date is Friday January 25, 2019

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Years
Genre Drama
Country Brazil
Starring Bárbara Colen, Kelly Crifer, Renato Novaes & Rute Jeremias
Time 2019