Movies like In the Name of the Italian People to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Mystery movie In the Name of the Italian People with Ely Galleani, Ugo Tognazzi, Vittorio Gassman & Yvonne Furneaux & created by Dino Risi?

Movies like In the Name of the Italian People with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of In the Name of the Italian People?

An obscure Italian magistrate suspects that a well-known industrialist commited murder, and decides to investigate him, and bring him to court, whatever it takes. But - will the magistrate ...
Its release date is Wednesday December 15, 1971

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Topic Legal Drama
Genre Comedy & Mystery
Country Italy
Director Dino Risi
Starring Ely Galleani, Ugo Tognazzi, Vittorio Gassman & Yvonne Furneaux
Written by Agenore Incrocci (screenplay), Agenore Incrocci (story), Furio Scarpelli (screenplay) & Furio Scarpelli (story)
Music Carlo Rustichelli
Runtime 103 min

Other Comedy movies by Dino Risi

The Thursday | Jan 24th, 1964

The Thursday
7.2/10 | By Dino Risi
Italy | Comedy & Drama
Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video

Good King Dagobert | Aug 22nd, 1984

Good King Dagobert
4.2/10 | By Dino Risi
France & Italy | Comedy
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Other Comedy movies written by Agenore Incrocci (screenplay)

Good King Dagobert | Aug 22nd, 1984

Good King Dagobert
4.2/10 | By Dino Risi
France & Italy | Comedy
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