Movies like Inferno to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Drama & Romance movie Inferno with Danny Trejo, Gabrielle Fitzpatrick, Jean-Claude Van Damme & Pat Morita & created by John G. Avildsen?

Movies like Inferno with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Inferno?

In the spring, the full moon shines for the warrior who has lost his way. Coyote is the spirit that leads back to life. If he follows the coyote when the moon is full, the warrior will see the path once more...

TAGLINE: "Left for dead. Burning for revenge"

Its release date is Saturday September 25, 1999

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Drifter, Harley Davidson, Hostage, Hostility, Officer, Prison, Revenge, Small town & Sword
Genre Action, Drama & Romance
Country The United States
Director John G. Avildsen
Starring Danny Trejo, Gabrielle Fitzpatrick, Jean-Claude Van Damme & Pat Morita
Location California
Written by Tom O'Rourke (screenplay)
Cinematography Ross A. Maehl
Music Bill Conti
Runtime 95 min

Other Action movies by John G. Avildsen

The Karate Kid | Jun 10th, 2010

The Karate Kid
7.2/10 | By Harald Zwart & John G. Avildsen
China & The United States | Action, Adventure & Drama
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Karate Kid | Jun 22nd, 1984

Karate Kid
7.2/10 | By John G. Avildsen
The United States | Action, Comedy & Drama
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The Karate Kid, Part II | Jun 18th, 1986

The Karate Kid, Part II
6.0/10 | By John G. Avildsen
United States of America | Action, Adventure & Drama
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