Movies like Interlude In Prague to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Music movie Interlude In Prague with Aneurin Barnard, James Purefoy, Morfydd Clark & Samantha Barks & created by John Stephenson?

Movies like Interlude In Prague with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Interlude In Prague?

The incredible tale of Mozart's Prague years.

TAGLINE: "Mozart. Music. Murder. Scandal."

Its release date is Thursday May 25, 2017

What similar themes are we looking for?

Genre Drama & Music
Country United Arab Emirates
Director John Stephenson
Starring Aneurin Barnard, James Purefoy, Morfydd Clark & Samantha Barks
Written by Brian Ashby, Helen Clare Cromarty & John Stephenson
Runtime 103 min

Other Drama movies by John Stephenson

Animal | May 1st, 2005

6.0/10 | By David J. Burke & John Stephenson
The United States | Action & Drama
Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video Vudu

Five Children and It | Oct 15th, 2004

Five Children and It
5.6/10 | By John Stephenson
The United States & United Kingdom | Adventure, Drama & Fantasy
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