Movies like Intersection to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Romance movie Intersection with Lolita Davidovich, Martin Landau, Richard Gere & Sharon Stone & created by Mark Rydell?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Intersection?

While driving on a remote highway, a man is torn between choosing to reunite with his estranged wife or taking up with his lovers

TAGLINE: "Make every move as if it were your last."

Its release date is Friday January 21, 1994

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Car Accident, Heavy Rain, Infidelity, Remake & Road Accident
Genre Drama & Romance
Country The United States
Director Mark Rydell
Starring Lolita Davidovich, Martin Landau, Richard Gere & Sharon Stone
Place Vancouver
Location Vancouver
Written by Claude Sautet (earlier screenplay), David Rayfiel (screenplay), Jean-Loup Dabadie (earlier screenplay), Marshall Brickman (screenplay), Paul Guimard (earlier screenplay) & Paul Guimard (novel)
Cinematography Vilmos Zsigmond
Music James Newton Howard
Runtime 98 min

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