Movies like Intrigo: Dear Agnes to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Crime, Drama & Mystery movie Intrigo: Dear Agnes with Carla Juri, Gemma Chan, Jamie Sives & John Sessions & created by Daniel Alfredson?

Movies like Intrigo: Dear Agnes with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Intrigo: Dear Agnes?

What is a human life worth? How is it possible that a woman like Agnes could agree to kill another human being? Is it the money? Or are there other forces at play? A funeral. A young widow ...
Its release date is Thursday September 12, 2019

What similar themes are we looking for?

Genre Crime, Drama & Mystery
Country Germany
Director Daniel Alfredson
Starring Carla Juri, Gemma Chan, Jamie Sives & John Sessions
Written by Birgitta Bongenhielm, Daniel Alfredson & Håkan Nesser (novels)
Runtime N/A

Other Crime movies by Daniel Alfredson

Kidnapping Mr. Heineken | Mar 12th, 2015

Kidnapping Mr. Heineken
6.1/10 | By Daniel Alfredson
Belgium & The United States | Action, Crime & Drama
Netflix Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video YouTube iTunes Fandango

Other Crime movies written by Birgitta Bongenhielm