Movies like Invictus to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & History movie Invictus with Matt Damon, Morgan Freeman, Patrick Mofokeng & Tony Kgoroge & created by Clint Eastwood?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Invictus?

Nelson Mandela, in his first term as the South African President, initiates a unique venture to unite the apartheid-torn land: enlist the national rugby team on a mission to win the 1995 Rugby World Cup.

TAGLINE: "His people needed a leader. He gave them a champion."

Its release date is Thursday December 10, 2009

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Apartheid, Forgiveness, Nation, Nelson Mandela, President, Rugby, South Africa, Sport & Stadium
Genre Drama & History
Country The United States
Director Clint Eastwood
Starring Matt Damon, Morgan Freeman, Patrick Mofokeng & Tony Kgoroge
Place South Africa
Time 1990, 1994 & 1995
Location South Africa
Written by Anthony Peckham (screenplay) & John Carlin (book)
Cinematography Tom Stern (cinematographer)
Music Kyle Eastwood
Runtime 134 min

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