Movies like Ip Man to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Drama & History movie Ip Man with Donnie Yen, Hiroyuki Ikeuchi, Lynn Hung & Simon Yam & created by Wilson Yip?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Ip Man?
During the Japanese invasion of 1937, when a wealthy martial artist is forced to leave his home and work to support his family, he reluctantly agrees to train others in the art of Wing Chun for self-defense.
Its release date is Friday December 12, 2008
During the Japanese invasion of 1937, when a wealthy martial artist is forced to leave his home and work to support his family, he reluctantly agrees to train others in the art of Wing Chun for self-defense.
TAGLINE: "The celebrated Kung Fu master of Bruce Lee."
Its release date is Friday December 12, 2008
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Bravery, Foreigner, Katana, Market, Martial arts, Rice, Sport & Tragic Hero |
Genre | Action, Drama & History |
Country | Hong Kong |
Director | Wilson Yip |
Starring | Donnie Yen, Hiroyuki Ikeuchi, Lynn Hung & Simon Yam |
Place | Guangdong |
Time | 1930s & 1940s |
Written by | Edmond Wong (screenplay) & Tai-lee Chan |
Cinematography | O Sing Pui |
Music | Kenji Kawai |
Runtime | 106 min |
Other Action movies by Wilson Yip
The White Dragon | Oct 28th, 2004
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