Movies like Island of Lost Souls to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Adventure, Horror & Science Fiction movie Island of Lost Souls with Bela Lugosi, Charles Laughton, Leila Hyams & Richard Arlen & created by Erle C. Kenton?

Movies like Island of Lost Souls with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Island of Lost Souls?

An obsessed scientist conducts profane experiments in evolution, eventually establishing himself as the self-styled demigod to a race of mutated, half-human abominations.

TAGLINE: "TERROR! Stalked the Brush-Choked Island...Where Men Who Were Animals Sought the Girl Who Was All-Human!"

Its release date is Saturday December 31, 1932

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Based On Novel Or Book, Exotic Island, Mad scientist, Man Beast, Pre-code, South Sea Island & Turned Into Animal
Genre Adventure, Horror & Science Fiction
Country United States of America
Director Erle C. Kenton
Starring Bela Lugosi, Charles Laughton, Leila Hyams & Richard Arlen
Place Oceania
Written by H.G. Wells (novel), Philip Wylie (screenplay) & Waldemar Young (screenplay)
Runtime 70 min

Other Adventure movies written by H.G. Wells (novel)

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