Movies like Island of Terror to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror & Science Fiction movie Island of Terror with Carole Gray, Eddie Byrne, Edward Judd & Peter Cushing & created by Terence Fisher?

Movies like Island of Terror with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Island of Terror?

An isolated remote island community is threatened by an attack by tentacled silicates which liquefy and digest bone and tissue.

TAGLINE: "How could they stop the devouring death...that lived by sucking on living human bones!"

Its release date is Monday June 20, 1966

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Bone, Creature, Cult Film, Experiment, Fog, Island, Monster & Tentacle
Genre Horror & Science Fiction
Country United Kingdom
Director Terence Fisher
Starring Carole Gray, Eddie Byrne, Edward Judd & Peter Cushing
Place Ireland
Written by Al Ramsen (original story), Al Ramsen (screenplay), Edward Mann (original story) & Edward Mann (screenplay)
Cinematography Reg Wyer
Music Malcolm Lockyer
Runtime 89 min

Other Horror movies by Terence Fisher

Island of the Burning Damned
5.6/10 | By Terence Fisher
United Kingdom | Horror, Science Fiction & Thriller
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