Movies like J Zone to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Crime, Drama & Romance movie J Zone with Ana Bustorff, Ivo Canelas, José Pedro Gomes & Núria Madruga & created by Leonel Vieira & Lexi Alexander?
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Tó is a black boy from Zona J, a tough neighborhood in Lisbon, and falls in love with a white girl, Carla. Tó dreams to live in Angola, where his parents were born, however the reality the two teens are in makes everything complicated.
Its release date is Tuesday December 8, 1998
Tó is a black boy from Zona J, a tough neighborhood in Lisbon, and falls in love with a white girl, Carla. Tó dreams to live in Angola, where his parents were born, however the reality the two teens are in makes everything complicated.
TAGLINE: "There are places where love has no place"
Its release date is Tuesday December 8, 1998
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Asteroids Fiction, Astronauts, Orphans, Racism & Years |
Genre | Crime, Drama & Romance |
Country | Portugal |
Director | Leonel Vieira & Lexi Alexander |
Starring | Ana Bustorff, Ivo Canelas, José Pedro Gomes & Núria Madruga |
Place | D.C., Florida, Malaysia, New York City, Psychiatric Hospitals, Uttar Pradesh, Washington & White House |
Time | 1998 |
Location | Montreal & Vancouver |
Written by | Luís Pedro Nunes & Rui Cardoso Martins |
Cinematography | Carles Gusi, John Schwartzman, Reynaldo Villalobos & Steve Gainer |
Music | Mark Mancina, Michael Wandmacher, Miguel Ângelo & Trevor Rabin |
Runtime | 96 min |