Movies like Jack and the Beanstalk to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Family & Fantasy movie Jack and the Beanstalk with Bud Abbott, Buddy Baer, Lou Costello & Shaye Cogan & created by Jean Yarbrough?

Movies like Jack and the Beanstalk with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Jack and the Beanstalk?

Abbott & Costello's version of the famous fairy tale, about a young boy who trades the family cow for magic beans.

TAGLINE: "Be happy go wacky!"

Its release date is Monday April 7, 1952

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Based On Fairy Tale, Beanstalk, Dreams, Giant, Log & Problem Child
Genre Comedy, Family & Fantasy
Country United States of America
Director Jean Yarbrough
Starring Bud Abbott, Buddy Baer, Lou Costello & Shaye Cogan
Written by Nathaniel Curtis (screenplay) & Pat Costello (story)
Runtime 70 min

Other Comedy movies by Jean Yarbrough

The Naughty Nineties | Jul 6th, 1945

The Naughty Nineties
7.5/10 | By Jean Yarbrough
The United States | Comedy
No streaming sources available just yet

In Society | Aug 16th, 1944

In Society
7.4/10 | By Erle C. Kenton & Jean Yarbrough
The United States | Comedy
No streaming sources available just yet